A Travellerspoint blog

Things that make you go hmmm...

Definitive Social Commentary of the PRC

Well...perhaps neither definitive nor social.

But commentary all the same.

It is with no small amount of fanfare that we offer you Pay the Bribe's very first top 5 list...(drum roll please...)

Things That Make You Go Hmmm...
aka The Drifter's Guide to the People's Republic of China...

5. Why is hitting yourself repeatedly in various parts of the body considered exercise?

4. Fashion in China...how are lacy ankle stockings, purple velvet pumps, sequined sweaters and white wind pants sweeping the nation?

3. What attracts socially akward western men to the near east? And how, dear god how, are they getting these hot asian women?

2. Asia is 4 lovers...did you realize that the most romantic spot in the world was not London or gay Paris, but in fact the entire continent of Asia? Love is in the air here my friends. Never have I seen people make out or flaunt their attachements with such reckless abandon. Why? No one knows. But today, I saw a woman clean out her sweetheart's earwax with her finger. If that isn't love...

1. Why why why do all of your baby clothes have a giant slit up the butt, leaving it enitrely exposed? Every single baby we see waddling around is wearing a jumper of sorts that exposes the bum. Why? Is it pre-training? A pre-curser to the toilet is understanding that it shouldn't happen in the clothes? Are parents recuired to pick up after their todlers when they shit on the street? Why is this superior to the diper?

Your thoughts, as always, are welcome my dear readers. (Mom, is it's just you, reply by email...)

Baffled in Yunnan...

Your Friendly Neighborhood Canadians

Posted by lbassi 23:30 Archived in China

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Um, where can I get a pair of these jump suits with slits up the butt? Do they come in adult sizes?

Also, equined sweaters are HOT.

by cabragan

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