A Travellerspoint blog


The Land of Smiles, Beaches, and wildly inappropriate activities...

If you're looking for a blog about the beauty of Thailand, insights into the culture, fascinating conversations with the people...

This isn't it.

This, my friends, is a full out rant.

There. You've been forwarned.

I took a long walk yesterday and counted 28, yes, 28 older Western men with innaopriately aged Thai women...and by women I mean girls. (Innappropriately is currently being defined as a girl under the age of 18 or alternatively less than half the age of her companion. And there is plenty of both...) I thought that the general economic subjugation of women in China/Japan by Western men was something. Really, if the world grades on a curve, those men are saints.

(Adorable Thai girls met on a random hike we took. Please leave them be, sketchy men.)

They're everywhere! Feeling each other up on the streets, making out at restaurants, sitting in their underwear with the door open in my hotel...

Some people go around the world to discover new cultures. Embrace various life choices. Believe in the spirit of world unity and love and the fellowship of all mankind.

We go. And become deeply, deeply bitter.

But surely you predicted this, no?

Posted by lbassi 23:10 Archived in Thailand

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