A Travellerspoint blog

Clarifications and directions.

For our challanged readers.

Hello friends and sketchy blog readers who don't actually know us but still enjoy this webpage-

A few clarifications...

1. Look at the bottom of each blog. It's signed by an author. Sarah is Ivory and Lauren is lbassi. So if I get another email about the great volunteer work I'm doing in Thailand...I'm gonna wig out on ya'll.

As Chesley said: "you mean the sassy irreverent posts are Bassi's and the loquacious, thoughtful blogs are Ivory? You're kidding...:"

2. Apologies for those of you complaining about my lack of picture postings. I lost my computer-camera adapter in China. You'll all have to wait until the New Year to see pictures of my mom riding a camel...sorry about that.

3. Pay the Bribe reunion is just around the corner! In a week, your favorite bribers will be in the same place at the same time, ready to ease you of the time/space continuim burden.

Until then...
Keep your ear to the grindstone.

Posted by lbassi 05:46 Archived in India

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