The Newest Venture...
Sushi on a belt = get rich quick
Forget teaching and public policy and refuge work and all the other nonsense we talked about. We've seen the light. Ladies and gents, I present to you (with perhaps more fanfare than you deem necessary, but it's not your blog so shut it…) sushi on a belt.
That's right. You sit. You get your individual tea cup and load it up using your individual water pump. Sushi comes, sushi goes. You eye it up and down. You speculate on the contents. You wait patiently, for the art of choosing your next $1.10 plate of sushi is not unlike choosing a fine wine or a life partner. It takes skill. Patience. Faith. And a little bit of blind luck.
An entire eating experience motorized ala Gerald Ford and set up with the express purpose of not having to speak to a single living soul?
Brilliant. Simplicity itself, I say.
All other prospective occupations out the window. Look out Manhattan. Sushi on a train is a comin...
Gerald Ford? as in the president? Just because you majored in political science doesn't mean that a politician invited the Assembly Line. I believe that was HENRY Ford... yeah Detroit! Go Blue!
Love, your Mechanical Engineering BFF
by critter