A Travellerspoint blog

Personal Growth

A new approach to sanitation...

A brief word on Japanese toilets...

Not gonna lie...I have been panicked about the bathrooms I would encounter during Pay the Bribe. Much as I try to deny it, pretty much a spoiled westerner at heart. I enjoy frivolous things.

Like toilet paper. And hand soap.

A decision had to be made. Stay home and enjoy my Starbucks lifestyle or venture forward into the great unknown.

I ventured. And encountered this:
lauren 017.jpg

I know. You don't know what to do either, do you? (Okay gentleman...maybe you scoff. But try to imagine the sweat I broke into upon viewing this contraption.) I thought maybe if I just ignored the problem, eventually my body would adjust. I could become a medical wonder, the girl who no longer peed.

That didn't work out. After days of struggles, close encounters, cursing the gods, I stumbled upon the squat. Now do not confuse this with a bend. Its practically on the ground, as low as you can possibly go. Its not an exercise for the knees so much as an encounter with the earth.

Panic goodbye...squat hello. I embrace you and your sanitary approach to natures call.

Posted by lbassi 05:06 Archived in Japan

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sarah,i guess the cultural shoch was part of the adventure you were looking forword to.maybe you shoud have practed it in the woods before going.culture shock is ok.i'm sure you will have more along the way.thinking of you all the time,dad

by iyivory

Hi Lauren!!! Perhaps if you didn't squat so low it wouldn't hurt the knees? Just wanted to say hi. Life is still boring in Chicago so enjoy japan.
love, Christina

by cabragan

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